01 August 2011

help a young haitian family!

so sorry for the delay in posting!! its been so busy these last couple weeks - I've barely had time to sleep let alone write anything down but there are more posts and photos to come...

I met a young family today at the clinic when they came in with their little girl who is about 2 years old (so easy to cast and a total sweetheart!!) and was speaking to the father in 3 languages (he actually knows 4 fluently) about Haiti and about getting refugee status in Canada. I've printed him off an info pack and will be giving to them tomorrow as well as getting some more details about his trip but was hoping that if I put some feelers out I might find that a group or individual who would be interested in sponsoring this family.

This would truly mean the world to them so if its even a possibility for you or someone you know then please visit the link below to see how it works and contact me for further details.


hope this finds you all well!

Love & Light

13 July 2011

potatoes and carrots and bananas, oh my!

Sunday Lucho and I walked down to the market to buy some spices to make tea. When we got back we got to work on the proposal to install our sanitation system in a community called santo who's funding is predominantly coming from Bill Clinton and is going to mean private toilets for over 400 homes. A huge responsibility but also a huge development in the rehabilitation of communities and in sanitation in general here.

We stopped for a break around 12 and rigged up a system to dry a couple of the mangoes that Josephs Mum had sent me away with earlier in the week. It worked a treat! A mosquito net, some clothes pegs a rack from the toaster oven and 3 clothes hangers.

We continued on the proposal for the rest of the the day but come 8pm we were both getting to the point of being far less productive and decided to call it quits. Lucho wanted me to meet a few of his friends so we went out to a place called Ruelles Chavannes which is kind of like the cool neighborhood in Port-Au-Prince where a predominant radio station is and where a few well known Haitian musicians and DJs are from.

On the way we stopped for a Jus Blanc- a very typical nighttime drink made of:
condensed milk (we opted out)

surprisingly good but SO filling!